Rough couple of days; lots going on. All the stress seems to have overwhelmed the brain pills and I’m beginning to see the usual symptoms; everything goes wrong, I say and do things that go horribly awry, and people kick me when I’m down… Again, I’m aware this is brain chemicals and not reality, but you can’t help feeling this way. I just want to crawl under the covers and focus on the dropping sensation in my chest and stomach.
I’ll get over it. And probably sooner rather than later. But lets review:
I begin school Monday. I imagine the classwork will fall on me like a ton… But I don’t yet know what that work will be. Waiting to schedule the week before is a bad idea when students with day jobs need to fit that around the workload. Well, I’m in G’boro today tending to that.
The trip to New Bern took it out of me more than I’d expected. Plus, the extra fifteen hours I put on it over the weekend and the workshop I did on Monday have me frazzled. I took a day off yesterday…pictures on the Flickr page.
I’m in a play. It’s fun and I’ll talk more about it later, but rehearsals and shows overlap with the first week of class. And I flubbed my big scene in rehearsal the other night.
My iPod cable is broke so I can’t update the podcasts. So, all I have left are my sad, sad, very sad, songs. The broken cable isn’t the problem…the songs are.
The deletions and clarifications below indicate some highly stressful unpleasantness that I regret and won’t be going into here. But it’s taking up a great deal of my mindshare right now.
And, as usual, some things I’m not telling you.
This morning I saw a guy in his yard giving away free stuff. I saw something interesting so I stopped. He talked to me, and talked, and talked, and it was all about how his neighbor hates him and he yells at his neighbor and the city is harassing him and he doesn’t like his neighborhood and really should move out to the county. You could tell his crankiness and bitterness cause him more trouble than anything else, but he couldn’t recognize it. And I though…right now I’m thinking and feeling very much like him.
And the item I took…? A mirror.