Up in Virginia for the holiday. Dad is well, but wore out. He's at the hospital today getting new blood. That will perk him up.
My brother and his family are going to Namibia to work in a small mining town caring for orphans and other people devastated by AIDS (thats the short version). They're heading over in January. Here his his blog about raising money for it. Frankly, some of my friends might be turned off by the missionary aspect, but Steve will be over there getting his hands dirty in the trenches to help improve peoples' lives. I'll be feeding my fat ass while reading history.
Anyhow, I finally got the paintball urge out of my system. Steve, Brian, Brother-in-Law Albert, and I went out and battled a bunch of Steve's friends. I got wacked twice. I slaughtered Brian twice and Albert once, but the best thing was me and Steve's fire-and-manouver at eachother where I was running sideways shooting and he was diving forward with gun blazing. I was the crouching tiger and he was the hidden dragon and it was all in slow motion and airborne and real cool and I nailed him. Ha!
At school we've finished the book and review part of the class and have gone on to writing longer historiographic essays. That's why I haven't posted any reviews lately. Now I'm reading about six to eight books in three weeks so I'm not posting about anything else either.
Alright. Got to go. But before I leave, I want to leave you with something that happened to me and a group of friends the other night...