Now this is bike weather. I found out that riding is much easier when you have fully inflated tires. Duh.
Weather is so nice Lizzie will not stay out of the water and will not come inside. Smart girl.
I can’t hold onto a pen to save my life.
This sounds very interesting. You know, if you're all interested in cultural hegemony, historical memory, and public history and whatnot. I should buy the book…should read it, too.
This is very interesting. My historic site friends and colleagues should read the posts on the survey of open air museums they did. Anyone going to Denver?
Comps reading begins May 9.
I've lost ten pounds in the last three weeks due to diet and exercise. My fasting level blood sugar has been in the low normal range for as long. This is all good news.
I’m waiting for some critical news. Getting rather suspenseful and anxious. And I’m not telling, nyah, nyah, nyah…. yet.
There are many truths in this song: