Been a while. Sorry about that. Let’s do it this way…
Classes at Community College started last week. Eight a.m. and nine a.m. back to back. Fewer people this time around; about 35 in one and 29 in the other. And right out of the gate they seem altogether smarter, and more engaged than last semester. We’re doing Western Civilization II, starting with Renaissance Italy so I’m boning up on Botticelli and getting more out of More. Someone please stop me.
Myself, I am taking two classes this semester. One directed readings course, for which I’ve knocked out six of the fifteen books already. The other is a regular class, on the Atlantic slave trade. This will be my last semester of classes before I begin studying for the comprehensive exams next fall.
My laptop is dead. For real this time. I can’t get a new one because my student loan check hasn’t come in and won’t be here for another week. At least this time I have a bit of money to get me through, so I won’t be assaulting any mailmen… oh, I never told you about that? Well, some other time then. I will probably get a white 13” MacBook. I have been the last week without a computer and that just sucks out loud. Today I discovered students may check out laptops from the library for seven days and they actually had one available! So I have it at home and that’s nice. And I credit President Obama for the good fortune, of course.
Dog is fine. She just loves this cold weather. But she reminds me every day that none of this is as fun as vacation to Aunt Sylvia’s house.
I've had a cold, but it seems to be going away. I credit Obama for that. Obama also found a ride for Scott Riggs for '09. Go #36!
Oh, and here is the photo of the gravestone with the iron forge I promised but never delivered. Isn’t it cool?
And let me just say... I plan to live in this country and help "work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right." Oh, yeah.