I’ve been drinking Michael Pollan’s kool-aid. Whole foods, lots of greens, cooking my own meals, that kind of stuff. And I’ve been fairly disciplined about it all. Hitting the treadmill, too. Lost a few pounds but the real improvement has been in the the blood sugar department; consistently lower numbers. Good. Hopefully I’ll be able to start reducing the amount of insulin I take. Still not to the point that this diet and exercise is second-nature though. It’s expensive, too. But the symptoms of neuropathy that I felt in December are scary, so I have motivation.
To this end, I picked up a fitbit. It’s rather disappointing (and these people think so, too), but it does force me to think real hard every day about calories eaten and calories burned and getting off my sedentary ass. Which is nice.
Lizzo is fine and sitting over there wondering why we’re not outside playing right now.
Guess what? I’m TAing a class on Islamic history from 1200 AD. Its actually fun as hell and I’m learning a whole lot, which is…fun as hell. Can you imagine?
The Community College classes are again proving themselves very lively and I don’t know about the students, but I’m enjoying it. (That’s the point, right?)
I’m recovering from a serious Dexateens bender. I’m down to listening to Same As It Used to Be only about eighteen times a day.
Because of the snow this week, classes at both schools have been canceled (this is becoming lame) but I’m getting a good amount of work done on my dissertation proposal. Had a breakthrough the other day after reading a chapter by Beth Barton Schweiger. Amazing how hearing an established scholar say something gives a neophyte like me permission to go ahead and say something that I had been worried about. (It’s a chapter in this, btw.) So, thank you Dr. Schweiger, you are my newest hero.
Still, in this business, if an historical action can’t be explained through a political lens, then it doesn’t seem to matter. I’m learning this. I’m old enough to not be disillusioned by anything anymore, but still… sigh. But part of this week’s breakthrough is that I figured out how to work with that. Rather simple, really.