Lizzie--a liberty-loving dog--has realized vacation is over and its back to solitary for her. The mopeing and guilt-tripping is pretty bad today.
I watched Pharoah's Army the other week and still think the stupid-bad stuff outweighs the good stuff. Hate it.
Nice try, NYT, but all museums are identity politics museums. So is all history.
The local indie video store went out of business, so its back to Netflix for me. I'm probably saving money, but the time wasting is getting expensive.
As mentioned previously, I'm sooooooo over Baptists. Presbyterians are all the thing now. While reading about them in the GSO public library yesterday I was distracted and entertained by a two-hour long conversation between a couple of homeless dudes. Their topics ranged around health care for homeless men, a trip to Baltimore for a colonoscopy, "high yellow" police officers in the 1960s, fascinating oral history of a S.C. man who worked at Cannon Mills in the '40s then cooked in D.C., conditions at the local homeless shelter, prayer, piety in marriage, a woman from England, some other guy's mistake, and a job at a High Point bedding factory. This was almost better than reading about the time in 183-something the Methodists poached one-hundred Presbyterian congregants in Concord, N.C. The Presbyterians had a problem with that.
So, that's it.