I didn’t write about teaching last semester because I didn’t teach. My department afforded me the opportunity to work on the dissertation full time. But it’s a new semester and I’m back at it. Two classes—a light load. First starts tomorrow at the Community College. Tuesday night American History II. I’m pretty excited, but in my absence the College switched over to Outlook email and that alone is a downer. Setting up the class on Moodle and adding the gradebook and SLOs was a breeze this time. And I already know the textbook and have the quizzes written up. So far, so good. You know I love the CC kids students, so I’m excited to meet them.
The second class is also American History II, but it is at a local four-year college (not my own). Different reading, different assignments, and different expectations, so a lot more effort is going into planning. In short, same topic but completely different class. It starts at the end of the month.
Point is, you’ll probably start hearing about this again. You’ve been warned.